DocNutrients Nutraceuticals

Hormone Quiz

About Cortisol

Balanced Cortisol

Imbalanced Cortisol Symptoms

About Cortisol

Cortisol has a bad reputation due to mishandled information, but it is essential for healthy biochemistry. One of it’s main functions is driving free fatty acids into the cells, similar to how insulin is needed to drive sugars. The body requires this mechanism and when cortisol drops, the body turns to adrenaline to serve that function. So people with low cortisol tend to start running on adrenaline and that carries horrible side effects, though it will keep you alive at least.

It is best to balance cortisol and not rely on adrenaline to do it’s job.

Best Cortisol Supplement

About Testosterone

Balanced Testosterone Benefits

Imbalanced Testosterone Symptoms

About Testosterone

Testosterone is one of the best hormones for anti-aging in men and women. The longest lived cultures in the world tend to have higher testosterone throughout their lifetime vs other cultures who’s testosterone declines earlier.

The impact on ambition from low testosterone can set someone far back from their peers. What’s more that not only do testosterone imbalances affect desire for sexual activity, they tend to affect the desirability markers the opposite sex looks for as well, such as weight or intelligence.

Best Testosterone Supplements

About Estrogen

Balanced Estrogen Benefits

Imbalanced Estrogen

About Estrogen

Estrogen is important for both men and women and facilitates many aspects of biology. Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol are the main types of estrogen but each come with a myriad of metabolites. 16a-hydroxyestrone, an Alpha Receptor metabolite for example is known to cause specific forms of cancer,  and is the most common xenoestrogen from plastics, pesticides, and pollution.

Due to the balancing act of anabolic processes the symptoms of imbalanced estrogen, and the benefits of balanced estrogen, can match those of testosterone.

About Thyroid

Balanced Thyroid Benefits

Imbalanced Estrogen

About Thyroid

The thyroid makes two hormones that it secretes into the blood stream. One is called thyroxine; this hormone contains four atoms of iodine and is often called T4. The other is called triiodothyronine, which contains three atoms of iodine and is often called T3. In the cells and tissues of the body the T4 is converted to T3. It is the T3, derived from T4 or secreted as T3 from the thyroid gland, which is biologically active and influences the activity of all the cells and tissues of your body. However both variations and further analysis of Free T3 and Free T4 are important to proper thyroid restoration.

Best Thyroid Supplement

About Growth Hormone

Balanced Growth Hormone Benefits

Imbalanced Growth Hormone Symptoms

About Growth Hormone

There is a lot of misinformation about Growth Hormone due to the abuse of superphysiological doses hundreds of times larger than is natural being used for athletic advantages. However it is absolutely important to the wellbeing of the body and many common habits such as caffeine or sugar usage, really inhibit the natural production levels.  This is one of the critical hormones for anti-aging and a sense of wellbeing in life. The majority of growth hormone releases during sleep, but it does operate in bursts throughout the day.

Best Growth Hormone Supplement

About DHEA

Balanced DHEA Benefits

Imbalanced DHEA Symptoms

About DHEA

DHEA is one of the master hormones used in the body to create other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. DHEA levels tend to decline with age, but some people may develop low DHEA levels as a result of poor nutrition, or adrenal insufficiency.  DHEA is believed to play an important role in mood regulation, which helps to explain why people with low DHEA so often experience depressive symptoms and fatigue.

Best DHEA Supplement

About Pregnenolone

Balanced Pregnenolone Benefits

Imbalanced Pregnenolone Symptoms

About Pregnenolone

Pregnenolone is another master hormone which is used to produce other hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and even DHEA. Important for memory and cognition, a lot of mental problems show parallels to low pregnenolone. It also helps regulate inflammation and imbalance may be associated with things like endometriosis, arthritis, and allergies.

Best Pregnenolone Supplement